Tacoma Power Cushman Hatcheries

Marine Environments

Tacoma Public Utilities operates a fisheries program in association with the Cushman Hydroelectric Project, working in partnership with the Skokomish Indian Tribe and other agencies to reintroduce and restore fish populations impacted by the Cushman Dams.

Rognlin’s constructed the program’s two hatcheries: the North Fork Skokomish Hatchery and the Saltwater Park Hatchery. Work included multiple CMU buildings, two Nucor steel buildings, heavy wall steel piping installations, 10,00-linear feet of HDPE pipeline, three 40-horsepower vertical turbine pumps, two submersible well pumps, a 40-foot diameter water reservoir, site piping, and grading.

The project also included a predator control netting system to keep out birds. The system consisted of a 1/16-inch diameter 7x7 stainless steel flex aircraft cable system covering the area above the fiberglass rearing tanks.



City of Tacoma/Tacoma Power






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